Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Animals

Day Three--I bet you're wondering about our title, but we'll get to that later.  We drove to UCOM first thing this morning and they put us straight to work.  They split us into three groups.  Group one went back out to weed (weeding is not a fun job).  Group two went upstairs to remove bathroom wallpaper and some bagged plastic silverware.  Group three was sent back down to the basement to sort clothes.  After a five star lunch of chicken sandwiches and tators, we went to the John Ball Zoo!  We helped to chaperon the Summer School class.  The students and we enjoyed seeing the animals.  We stayed at the zoo a little longer and some of went on the high ropes course where we had to wear a harness and tackle a lot of obstacles like bridges and thin boards.  After we left the zoo, we went to Melissa's cousin's church in downtown Grand Rapids for dinner.  We toured the church and downtown area and saw many interesting things.  When we came back to our dorms, we played a game called "Fish Bowl".  One of the words was disestablishmentarianism and I would explain what it means but A: I forget B: I would probably give a false definition.  If Nathan and I had to judge this day, we would say it was pretty darn AMAZING! :)
Kevin and Nathan

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